Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Yay I get to see Weezer and the Foo Fighters tonight! Or might I say FOOZER? Hells yeah! Oh, and my bestest buddy ol' pal is coming down for the major kick ass show. Kāj the Rage in A*Town tonight. Crap well I’m out because I have a bio quiz in t-minus 60 minutes. Bleh.
P.S. It’s ok to be jealous…of the other stuff besides the quiz that is.


Reyna said...

Andy I hope you and KJ have fun and please tell her not to even think about wearing a skirt. Oh, I personally think that "Wee Fighters" sounds better. :) See ya

Pegleg said...

I hope I live long enough to have sex with at least 50 50-year-olds.