Friday, September 30, 2005

Hey there

Hey ya'll. I'm glad to see that everyone is doing alright, besides college being hard, laundry being expensive, being homesick,etc. But let's look at the bright side, Thanksgiving isn't that far away, right? I don't know what it is, but I get this warm feeling and my throat gets all tight when I read the posts, allergies or what not, I really do miss y'all. I am currently at my house, so I can't say I've been staying away from home, but I will try to adhere to Lauren's wise advice. Classes for me have been not very to mildly challenging. I guess it's because I've taken the equivalent of these classes in high school. Ha, so we don't all make the right decisions all the time, who's counting? (Not taking the AP exams, Felix, cutting my hair, Felix, Politics 1113, Felix) Speaking of the Devil, I'm not going to say figuratively or literally, yes, I still am "with" Felix, but you know, not "dating". I don't even know what to call it anymore. I agree with Paul though, we're in "13th grade" now, he is so high school. Haha. Oh, Andy, I was going to call you when ALIAS was on, but I got sidetracked. :( Sorry, hope you didn't cry too hard over the loss of your bf. Ok, back to school, I too am going to have my fair share of tests. The week of Oct.10 I have 5 tests, including a two day midterm. I know, ew. Anyone keeping up with Laguna Beach? Laguna Beach anyone? I am now addicted thanks to my roomate. I don't know, the cattiness and backstabbing, enthralling isn't it? Well, I guess I had to make this long enough since I haven't posted anything to date. Oh, thanks Lauren for indirectly helping me find out how to post on this thing, I, like KJ, was lost. Well, everyone have a safe weekend, do your homework, study...oh the mom syndrome is kicking in. Anyway, love you guys!


Lauren said...

YOU CUT YOUR HAIR?! ARGHHHHH*screams of anguish*HHHHHH?! No, but seriously. Here's a question: who's rad? ReNYa hehehe
p.s. i will slay the one you call "Felix" at the first word from you. until then i wait...
p.p.s. did I mention that you are rad? because you are

Unknown said...

Felix: No comment
All the other stuff: Hells yeah Laguna Beach is one of my guilty pleasures... I just think it's hilarious bc those people seem so stupid- just like high school...hum... Oh and also there will never be enough tears to express my great loss. :(

Pegleg said...

Um... I heard that Felix turned gay and is now in the porn industry. So to cope with your loss, I will be more than happy to have you cry on my shoulder in a dark bedroom with some scented oils. We'll see how it goes from there.