Thursday, November 17, 2005


Although I haven't been the most coolest when it comes to kicking ass, I've done it quite a bit to know that I definitely like girls. But there's something I've been meaning to get off my chest/boobs. I am going in circles around the decision of whether or not I should get a job. Not a blowjob or a rim job... just a job that I can do to keep some extra cash in my pants. Do any of you have what I'm talking about and would you recommend it during my college experience?


Unknown said...

I need to get a jarb too.

Reyna said...

Well, I think you should look at what you're going to do next year. Are you planning on attending UT in Austin? If not, I think you should look for a job, like Mikaela said, a weekend job won't be too hard to handle and the extra cash won't hurt. I guess it depends on your schedule for the spring also.

Lauren said...

i am seriously considering working at McDonald's this Christmas break. This is not a bad idea because
#1. I would probably get hired and go to work that same day with a minumum of paperwork---I have a pulse, don't I?
#2. Flexible hours--They would let me work at really strange times and/or as much as I wanted to
#3. it is closer than Mo-Ranch
#4. i think 'sevice with a smile" is the most difficult job requirement
#4. the spicy mc chickern
#5. so I can say that I've worked at McDonald's
and most importantly...
#5. Since I really don't need a reference from McDonald's, I can just stop showing up after I get tired of it...and if I wanted to work there again I would apply to the one on Sidney Baker and tell them i have never worked for and/or heard of mcdonald's
so in conclusion, you should go out and get yourself a spicy mcchicken, Paul (it'll make your day, trust me), and remember, just because you work at mcdonald's doesn't mean you're a leper

Reyna said...

Mmmm...spicy chicken, damn you Lauren.