Thursday, January 19, 2006

Here's a quip for you.

Um… so my cal class is pretty much equivalent to getting sulfuric acid poured on my face. How’s everyone else’s spring semester going?

Sincerely yours,

P.S. Does anyone know how to apply for a police-assisted suicide?


Lauren said...

and then we could bury you at sea, Viking-style, on a buring pyre of textbooks

Antoine said...

Or you could dress up like a black man and pull out you wallet. They will immediately think it is a gun and you're dead for sure.

Reyna said...

Haha to all of the advice given. I take it that this bitterness is due to the fact that this semester is going to SUCK. I swear, I'm going to have to write a billion papers...give or take a few. Not to mention I have like four books to read per class. Oh, and also don't forget that my Latino Culture Expression class ( I know, wtf right?) is going to be like an art class. Ugh, I see enough Virgin Mary paintings in my I need to see more?

Lauren said...

Yeah, I can relate to the familiarity of religious icons in the household....except we have like, 40 copies of the same Raphael painting of the Holy Family

Reyna said...

I understand Mikaela..we discussed how it's "Latino/a"...notice the slash..not just "Latino" and whether "we" should be called Hispanic, Mexican-American, Mexican American, Latino, or just "those damn Mexicans". Haha, I added that last one..but yeah. *sigh* This is going to be a long 5 months.

Pegleg said...

You Mexican or Mexican't?

Reyna said...
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Reyna said...

Yes..."Mexican Americans dont like to get up early in the morning but they have to so they do it real slow.

Mexican Americans love education so they go to night school and take they spanish and get a B.."

Unknown said...

Damn Mexicans!

Antoine said...

Mexico come for your people, (except for Reyna).

Reyna said...

Ok, enough with the wetback jokes...wait. Noone is allowed to repeat that!

Pegleg said...

Seriously, no more wetback jokes, please.