Monday, August 21, 2006

About Me...

Since noone has posted anything since we finished school in May, I thought I would post a little about what I did this summer. One, Felix & I broke up (: O ) I know I know, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.......... somehow future-father-to-be didn't work out for me. Anyway, I am now happily single and actually NOT looking. Two, I worked all summer and somehow couldn't save enough money to fix my car...which has a dent on the driver's side of the door compliments of an old man from Rocksprings. Three, I am now in my dorm and starting school on Wed. My schedule consists of: Intro to Mass Comm, Am. Crim. Just., Intro to Microeco (some help andy?), Intro to Lit, and Tech. writing. I don't have classes on Fridays...which means four classes from 8-1 pm Tues/Thurs., and one Mon./Wed. Ok, enough about about y'all?? (Hint Hint: WRITE SOMETHING)


Pegleg said...

I tried my hand at masturbating and I have the best girlfriend in the universe!

Antoine said...

I am so sorry to hear about felix. You two looked so gay together. I mean happy. Fag.

Unknown said...

Wow I guess the whole summer youskies didn't include me in your get-togethers, so all I've done is work. Y'all suck.

Lauren said...

Andy, we so totally went bowling and it was so totally, no.
Weeeellll, what is up??? I'm so glad the blog's for the recent events:
1) Work: For the first half of the summer I worked for the Engineering Dept doing website stuff and slayin my two Cal classes in the face. After that period of insanity was over i made it back to Ktown and returned to A3; your basic CAD/const. doc bitch. I also built a website for Matthew's dad's nonprofit on the side...
it's lacking in content at this point, but i just got through with some writeups, videos & pics to post.
2) Personal: Mshady and I reunited. He's doing good, all set to be a tap-dancing Christ this fall (seriously) and whatnot.
3)Extra-cirricular: Went to NYC, then DC for an AIAS officer conference. It was a blast.
That's all I can think of. oh yeah, my brother Matt will be attending A&M in the fall. Thanks and Gig 'Em!
p.s.-You guys are amazing. What is going on, oh i don't know, labor day weekend?