Thursday, February 16, 2006

FebRareReeeeeeeeeeeee!! Doesn’t make sense.

Hello all. Does anyone here watch ‘Best Week Ever’ on VH1? Yeah, well if you don’t you should because that’s a hecka funny show. Anyway I went to a comedy show where Doug Benson (from Best Week Ever) headlined. So here are some random one-liners that I remembered from last night.

  • Hey, my dick just died… can I bury it in your ass?
-Doug Benson
  • A one-legged guy came up to me after a show and said that some of my jokes almost makes me a bitch, and I replied, “Oh yeah? Well you have a wooden leg. That almost makes you a table.”
  • Am I a lesbo?! Oh, hell no, I’m not gay. I don’t even like licking stamps.

-Andi Smith

Sorry I would tell yous guys more, but I just can’t remember all of ‘em right now.

Peace, love, and crabs,



Lauren said...
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Lauren said...

i like the pegleg one:)
no, but seriously guys, if Hallmark happens to make up a new holiday--like a hybrid of Valentine's Day and Saint Paddy's--i'm like so prepared!
Check this out--
Y'know how you always get on VDay those little boxes filled with little candy hearts with little words written on them? Exactly! So I came up with a phrase that would be PERFECT to go on a valentinaddy heart/shamrock...ok here it is..


i'm such a badass

Reyna said...

haha, I see that you remembered more, yeah, the table one is hilarious. I quote Kae "you guys seriously make my day". Aww..I love y'all