Monday, August 31, 2009

Part Deux

I think we should try to get this blog up and running again.... because seriously I read the older posts and laughed out loud. If any of you have any down time just put something....anything.

That is all.


Reyna said...

aw, agreed! I just read some too and felt some nostalgia coming up...not to be mistaken with vomit. Don't hear enough from ya'll!

Unknown said...

REYNA!!!!! Out of all people I would have thought that you could get "y'all" correct. The apostrophe indicates something that is missing...There's nothing missing between "a" and "l" so "ya'll" is incorrect! And these aren't just stray exclamation points, they're to suggest my yelling.

My Diary Secret Number said...

ehm..... its enough for good article ^^

My Diary Secret Number said...

hello nice to meet you. just blogwalking ^^