Monday, April 03, 2006

Yo Comrades!!

So yeah Bunny day is inching closer and anyone going home for that weekend? If so we should have an Easter lunch/dinner maybe? This time actually do it and not just say it. Oh and in other news... I guess the birthdays of certain Flips are around the corner... I won't say who, but I'm sure if you think real hard they will come to you. Well anyway me thinks that the crew should make it up to A*town on the weekend of the 22nd. If that seems possible to any of youskies please réspondez s'il vous plaît 830.370.4479. :) Well I gots to go to my next class.



Pegleg said...

Wait, uh... Jonah just used a fake word. Good thing we all cannot fathom the meaning of such said imaginary "beejrant". I thought the 'Nor was a realist and cherished real things like aliens and hot buttered biscuits.

Pegleg said...

You piece of shit.

Unknown said...

Jonah was sane once?